Written by Alison Fischer
Designed by Abbey Stemper
Good stewardship and making an impact are big parts of our overall mission here at WhiteBox Marketing. We often discuss our passion for inclusivity and the importance of being open listeners and honest communicators. Differing opinions and experiences are welcomed and respected. Overall, we like to say that we are good people doing good things, going beyond what may be expected to reach a positive goal. For us, all of this culminates into one phrase: Do Good Together.
What started as a small conversation in our WhiteBox office grew into something bigger—literally! Our patio space is home to a larger-than-life mural-style graphic that reflects our Do Good Together message. It was a colorful reminder for us during the summer as we opened our space for an open house and business events. Now, we’d like to share it even further. This winter, the Do Good Together campaign aims to be a welcome contrast to the gray weather we’re all too used to by now. We invite you to do good with us, and here are just three ideas of what we mean:
- Lend a Helping Hand — Gather a group to volunteer for an organization or ask your neighbor if there’s anything you can help them with. Even something as simple as holding a door doesn’t require much effort but can make a big difference in a person’s day.
- Support Small Businesses — Head to your local coffee shop, boutique, or hire a local handyman service. After all, they provide jobs, support the community, and offer authentic, friendly service.
- Have Meaningful Conversations — “How are you?” “Good, how are you?” “Good.” Does this conversation sound familiar? Sometimes, we don’t truly communicate when we speak to each other. Instead of the above question, consider asking something that requires a full answer, such as “What’s your favorite moment of the day so far?” or “How would you describe your mood at the moment?” or even “How can I be of support to you today?” Asking specific questions leads to meaningful conversation that can leave you and others feeling better.
Truly, “Doing Good Together” is what we strive to accomplish every day here at WhiteBox Marketing. Whether it’s in our everyday lives, doing great marketing work, or partnering with clients who have similar core values—it is our purpose and what we excel at—both personally and as a professional whole.
Let’s do good together! This starter list is only the beginning. Think of another way we can do good together? Want to share a moment you did a good thing yourself or with others? Use the hashtag #DoGoodTogetherWB. Keep an eye out for our colorful message—you might even see it on a billboard!